Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Tomorrow is "Give to the Max" day here in MN.  I know other states have it. It is big here.  Millions of dollars are raised supporting hundreds of non-profits.  We top the nation in giving per capita almost every year.

It seems like every big or little non-profit I have ever given money to has hit me up for more in the last week. I don't blame them.  It's part of their job.  But I'm not going to give to all of them.  How do I decide which ones get some cash this year?

Like most persons, I tend to follow my heart.  I had a life-transforming experience in Africa, so they will get some.  Certain illnesses run in my family, so they will get some.  I've been involved in music all of my life, so the arts will get some.  I work in and believe in the local and extended church, so they will get some.  But that still leaves a lot of alternatives.     

By "alternative" I mean just that.  We will all give holiday gifts to loved ones, friends and co-workers.  But quite frankly they already have enough.  How will I bless those who don't?  I could lavish less on those who really don't need what I give them and be more generous to those who do.

Someone once advised me to keep in mind three areas:  relief, rehabilitation and development.  Relief is sending emergency supplies that are needed because of a natural or human-made disaster.  Emergency food or donated blood in response to Hurricane Sandy is an example. Rehabilitation is helping people re-build after the emergency.  Helping people rebuild their homes after a earthquake in Haiti is an example.  Development is helping people help themselves.  Supporting High School education in a country where it is lacking is an example.

I also try to think of three areas: local, national and international.  There is need everywhere.

I'll be splitting my money up several ways and in different parts of the world.   Nobody will get my max, but several will get something.

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