Monday, May 7, 2012

I spent Saturday at the Festival of Nations, an annual event in St. Paul, which hosts several dozen artisans, food vendors and dancers from around the world.  I have always loved this event, even before learning that Steve Heckler, one of our own at Northern Light, is the coordinator.  I'm not much of shopper, but do appreciate the artisans' handiwork.  I love seeing all of the people in this mini-global village, and can't help by thinking that this is how God sees the world.  But, mostly I go for the food and especially, the dancing.

I grew up with parents who danced.  With my German/Finnish background, that meant polkas, waltzes and such.  It's great to have learned later that almost every nationality has their own folk rhythm and dance.  Some are measured, some flamboyant, some quiet, some loud, all help increase one's aerobic conditioning.  King David and Miriam, in the Bible, both danced joyfully as a way to celebrate their connection with the Almighty.  Seems to me all of us do whenever or wherever we tap our foot, clap our hands, do the Hokie-Pokie or full-out "boogie."

I've heard many people tell me about being raised in a church environment where dancing was not allowed (along with other things, like lipstick and playing cards).  What a pity.  At any church with which I am involved, it not only will be tolerated, but encouraged.  So, as the song says:  "I Hope You Dance" ... even if it only to "put your right foot in and shake it all about."  You'll be happier for doing so.

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