It's official. We put the SOLD sign up yesterday. We'll be moving a few miles to the neighboring city of Minnetonka in a couple of weeks. Now its all about packing. Packing up stuff ... and memories of thirteen years in this house. We raised our kids here. Had many family gatherings and friends over. Took in a few additional people from time to time. Loved our neighbors.
One of those neighbors, Dale, came out when the sign went up. We talked about how we were going to miss the house and the neighborhood. He expressed his sadness, too, as we stood and reminisced in the 102 degree heat and humidity.
He had been through a lot. He lived alone for quite a few years after his wife died. His children were grown, so usually he had the place all to himself, until last year, after he got married again. At the end of our conversation he said, "I've learned that its not where you live, but who you live with." I immediately went in a hugged my wife and told her I loved her.
God bless all of those realtors (and ours, especially), but it's not about "location, location, location." It's about "people, people, people." The ones who live in the house with you.. The ones you invite over. The ones with which you share your everyday life. Then ones who are nearest and dearest to you.
There's a message here about God being in the home, too.